"In The Loop" Magazine

Sep - Oct, 2020 Issue


From the firm: A new reality is here…

We continue to live through an unprecedented time. It’s very likely that we’ll continue putting strategies in place to manage our personal and professional lives around COVID-19-at least for the foreseeable future. As such, this issue is packed with ideas and tactics for staying both personally and finan­cially healthy. From a business standpoint, being able…


Saving for college? The 411 on 529s

Saving for college is something that can never be started too early. Like with any savings plan, 529s represent a long-term commitment and come with things to consider, such as penalties and restric­tions. So, before opening a 529 plan, here are a few things to keep in mind… Potential gift tax penalty Individuals are eligible…


Developing a niche strategy for your business

A common path for many businesses is to find a niche market and establish a dominant position. Learn how you can corner a specific industry by meeting unmet needs and solving unique challenges for customers within that niche. Choose an available niche market Niche markets are usually small with limited room, so be sure to…


Perfecting the contactless customer experience

As concerns around public health and safety continue to rise, so does the popularity of contactless service. In fact, it’s highly likely that consumers’ appetite for no-­contact support will persist post-pandemic. Business owners need to take this seriously, because rest assured that customers are paying attention to how your business has adapted practices and procedures…


Learn to earn: Money lessons for kids

Many kids get an allowance-their first experience with earning money. Make sure to set a good example from the start by setting rules and teaching your children good financial habits that they can take with them into adulthood. Here are a few good tips to keep in mind: Show them the importance of earning it…


Prioritize your health with these strategies

Health has been on everyone’s mind these days, and for good reason! It’s never been more important to be proactive about your health. Start with this list of tips to incor­porate more healthful habits into your life: Drink more water It’s just a fact Water is the healthiest drink out there. So, ditch the caffeinated…