June is National Safety Month! Tips for augmenting your marketing efforts.
June is national safety month, and it never hurts to remind your clients and community that safety always comes first. Our goal with this blog is to help you augment your marketing initiatives with a few ideas around safety. While we can’t cover every industry in a single post, we hope that you find the tips below useful and that they spark some innovative new marketing ideas!
“Safety first!” is the mantra of the month. So, run with it as you brainstorm for new summer marketing ideas. Encourage people to stay safe in general and also address industry-specific situations where applicable. Here are a few ideas to chew on:
General safety—Promote common safety information to your clientele by providing a list of top 5 summer safety tips. Consider a few common summer safety topics such as: keeping kids safe around water, prevention of heat stroke, safety around graduation celebrations, the importance of staying hydrated and more.
Industry-specific safety—Here are few examples:
- Bike manufacturers and shop owners, promote helmet safety by offering articles on such topics as helmet buying tips for kids or top 10 things to watch out for when biking on the open road.
- Healthcare professionals, promote skin cancer prevention by offering free sunscreen samples in your office or encouraging preventative exams.
- Dental professionals, promote healthy oral care by advocating for more water this summer and less soda. You can tie in the theme of staying hydrated during hot summer months as well.
- Travel industry experts, promote top safety tips when traveling this summer. This topic can also serve as a general safety campaign.
These are just a few marketing ideas to use during National Safety Month. We hope they get your creative juices flowing!